Medtronic has released real-world data indicating that users of its Smart MDI system who responded to actionable alerts experienced improved glycemic control.
The study analysed data from 1,852 individuals with type 1 diabetes across Europe. It found that those who acted on more than 75% of missed dose or high glucose alerts achieved an average Time in Range (TIR) of 67.2% and 71.5%, respectively.
The findings highlight the potential of the Smart MDI system, which integrates the InPen smart insulin pen with the Simplera continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor.
The system is designed to help individuals using multiple daily injections (MDI) manage their glucose levels more effectively. Although automated insulin delivery (AID) systems are recognised as more effective, MDI remains widely used due to accessibility and personal preference.
The study reported an overall mean TIR of 55.7% among participants, with improved outcomes linked to engagement with system alerts.
Medtronic also noted that 52.6% of insulin doses administered by users were guided by recommendations from the system’s dose calculator, reinforcing its role in optimising insulin management.
Designed to support insulin adherence, the system provides alerts to help users reduce missed doses and bolus at appropriate times, which may contribute to improved glycemic control.
Research indicates that missing two insulin doses per week can lead to a 0.4% increase in HbA1c, while MDI users relying solely on traditional blood glucose monitoring achieve lower TIR levels than those using AID systems.
Medtronic diabetes senior global medical affairs director Ohad Cohen said: “For people with diabetes on multiple daily injections, the mental gymnastics of calculating insulin doses every day can be a challenge. This first snapshot of how the Medtronic Smart MDI system with Simplera CGM is simplifying the burden in real life is very promising.
“The information provides us with an insight into the behaviors of users on MDI therapy. By analysing the features that are contributing most to better outcomes and focusing on education efforts we believe better outcomes will be seen in future longitudinal analysis.”
Medtronic’s Smart MDI system is currently available in 16 countries across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. A limited market release in the US will begin with existing users of standalone CGM and InPen devices, followed by a broader commercial rollout.