US-based medical imaging informatics company Radical Imaging has received the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its SaaS product FlexView Diagnostic.
FlexView Diagnostic is a Web-based DICOM medical image viewer that allows downloading, reviewing, manipulating, and visualising multi-modality medical image data.
It can be integrated with healthcare facility software systems to help healthcare professionals access, manipulate, and measure DICOM images, and collaborate using medical images.
The system provides clinicians and radiologists with a powerful, fast, easy-to-use viewer to perform diagnostic imaging work from anywhere without needing to install software.
FlexView Diagnostic is not intended for primary diagnosis of mammographic images or diagnostic use on mobile devices, said the medical imaging company.
“It is gratifying to see that the OHIF open-source viewer, the result of our ongoing development collaboration with the MGH Department of Radiology, is so widely recognized as useful to the medical imaging community.
“Now, with FlexView Diagnostic, we are excited to be able to offer the same excellent user experience to imaging users who require an FDA-cleared class II medical device for their diagnostic work.
“With our secure, scalable, cloud-native, easy-to-integrate viewer, rigorous quality process, and expert technical support, we aim to simplify and perfect the diagnostic image viewing experience.”
FlexView Diagnostic comes with a clean and intuitive user interface that enables diagnostic radiology and supports clinical subspecialty imaging users without requiring training.
It rapidly loads images from the cloud and can handle even large imaging studies with ease.
Also, the system comes with advanced built-in imaging features such as 3D rendering, multi-modality fusion, and segmentation, which operate smoothly in real-time and are easy to use.